
On Booking the Tour the participant will be required to complete and sign a brief Questionnaire and also a Voluntary Waiver. In the case of children under 18 a Parent/Guardian will be required to complete on their behalf.

The Tour Guide reserves the right to cancel the tour without penalty to the Management or staff of the Tour Company if any of the Participants are failing to adhere to the Rules and Instructions of the Tour Guide.

We advise participants not to take anything expensive on any of the Tours including cameras or cell phones as they may bumped, banged or damaged with the movement of the participant.

The Cave and Estate should be left as you found it. Do not break, deface or remove anything from the Cave or unnecessarily break or destroy any of the plants during the Hiking Tours. We appreciate your cooperation as we continue to maintain and preserve the eco-environment.

Katouche Cave Rules

During the Katouche Cave Tour the following are specifically not permitted:

  • No Smoking
  • No eating or drinking (other than bottled water or non-alcoholic drink
  • No littering
  • No excessive loud talking
  • No touching of stalactites or stalagmites
  • No horseplay is permitted – no pushing, shoving or jumping as these actions can lead to injury